Dream Team

By Sue Wells on 18 February 2021

Every day I speak to men and women who are teetering on the edge of making changes in their lives via cleaner eating and exercise, all of whom are from all walks of life and have different goals. However they all have the same barriers.. low self esteem, no self belief, low confidence and a sack full of negatives about their bodies and appearance. In some cases no support from family and friends when it comes to making changes and this can be a very emotional time.

When it comes to people wanting to make a change there are stages - Pre Contemplation / Contemplation / Preperation / Action / Maintenance / Termination / Relapse

Then you have your Positive Group that are there to help you and the Negative Group trying to pull you off track.

Positive *Dream Team* Buddies / Cheerleaders / Supporters .. ie:- helps you, supports you, helps build your confidence, acknowledges your goals and success, checks up on you..

Negative *Opposition* Frenemies / Haters / Saboters / Hecklers ie:- the friend that has clearly noticed your 2 stone weight loss but stays silent, the person that keeps buying you junk food, those who don’t acknowledge your success, questioning why you want to make changes, makes you doubt yourself, puts you down..

There’s a lot to consider when thinking of making changes and sometimes a lot of barriers, however you can get over these… support goes a long way, surround yourself with your Dream Team. It’s not all weight loss to feel good, it’s feeling healthier, fitter, stronger, it’s about how YOU feel in the skin you’re in..
Don’t compare to others, and certainly don’t base your feelings on what you see on Facebook…

*facebook paints a lovely picture of people’s lives which puts men and women under pressure. However, if I were to put on pictures of my morning.. there would be one of me and Ethan having a stand off row at the door because he forgot his PE kit and had to run home, one of me barking at the kids to clean their teeth, all of us falling over the dog, trying to catch grasshoppers, stuffing the washing in the machine, running around looking for Brooke’s Barcelona top, ironing shirts, throwing the kids lunches together and so on… and none of them would be pretty as most of them would be of my tonsils wagging… am I going to post them on FB… NOPE!*

…just strive for a better you, if you’re not happy and you can change it great, if you can’t, embrace it and learn to live with it… just remember yes you may have something you hate that you can’t change, you may have something you hate in life that you can… we all do… we’re human.

Take Me… re weight *changeable* I’ve been alot bigger and I’ve been very skinny but am now 20lb heavier and happy. I’ve had psoriasis since I was 9, still do *unchangeable* and was in hospital for treatment 4 times aged 9, 11, 13, and 15 each for a month and had to wear head to toe bandages and was picked on terribly. When I was 18 I was reading a copy of FHM and in the ‘disgusting bodies section’ there was a picture of a man with psoriasis and a caption with ‘could you imagine this lads’.. well that destroyed any ounce of confidence I had left… 22 years on and I still remember that one !! I was 6ft at 14… couldn’t change that either but did me well when played netball for Bexley and Kent .. I’ve got wonky teeth.. *changeable* and I’m now doing something about it at my ripe old age …

If your buddy, colleague looks nice today.. tell them, if someone’s looking down be kind, send someone a nice text message or a cyber hugg… it all goes a long way.
Stop being harsh on yourself, it’s never too late to go chase your goals… no one else is going to do if for you… and if you have a beautiful heart you will have a beautiful mind and that shines out more than anything…

So here’s a message for you from one of your Dream Team…

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL … now go enjoy your day xx